Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hero A Day - Draco Rex

Back when I first started COH I made a dragon-looking character while experimenting with the builder and made him a fire & ice tanker. This short-lived experiment did not go well so I ended up deleting him. I really liked the costume though so once I had a better handle on the game I went back and remade him as a fire/super strength tanker and thus was born...


Now this is heavily based off of one of my old Champions RPG characters so I had a pretty good concept already of how I wanted him to look and what kinds of powers he needed. The RPG character was basically a flying brick with a breath weapon and that's sort of the route I went here.

Fire Aura is probably my favorite Tanker primary - it's fun to play, it looks good, and it has a nice variety of powers spread across the level range while you're leveling up. It boosts the offensive capabilities of a tank significantly and that's what I wanted here. It's also no slouch as a resistance-based set and is easily boosted with set IO's if you feel a weakness in any particular area.

Super Strength is a great tanker secondary, one I have on many characters, and mixing up the animations should let you make it look exactly how you want it to look. The punches and slams are very comic-bookish, Rage adds to offensive capability (very nice with fire's powers) and hurl gives you a very brickish/tankish ranged attack at the later levels.

Combining these two sets results in a tanker that plays more like a classic superteam brick rather than someone whose main role is just to suck up damage while someone else beats people up. With Fire you have a damage aura/taunt aura, a self-heal, a self-endurance boost, a damage boost, and a self-rez. Super Strength adds a variety of single-target attacks plus a damage boost and a ranged attack. Both sets have a couple of PBAOE powers that are very useful, resulting a very versatile character who while among the toughest in the game has not sacrificed offense to the degree that some other tanker builds do. It's a lot of fun and I highly recommend it.

For pool powers he's a Flyer and a Fighter and I haven't decided on the rest. On tanks I may take Flight but I do not take Hover. Instead I take Air Superiority and in this case I use it instead of Punch (and then go straight to Haymaker from Super Strength). Since I am taking most of the powers from the primary and secondary there are not a lot of dead spots on the power tree until the higher levels.

Costume wise he's the monstrous -> lizard choices for body with armored shoulder plates and one of the chain chest details along with an animated lizard tail. Crafted draconic wings complete the package.

Draco was the first of the Draco Tanks (more on those later) and he runs on Infinity as part of the League of Super Justice Friends.

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