Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hero A Day - Captain Transylvania

My first shield tanker was created to team with one of Aluminum Girl's alts, the Legendary Lorena. Lorena has a distinct vampire/goth chick theme as she is a Dark Melee/Super Reflexes scrapper with pale skin and blood red powers. She had run with various other characters but I felt the need for a specific partner for her to run with and a tanker seemed like the best choice and thus was born...

Captain Transylvania

Shield Defense is the tanker primary that has been a flavor-of-the-month for some time now, both because of the ease with which it can be softcapped and the offensive greatness of shield charge, even after it was toned down a bit. Being a Defense set it pairs well with a super reflexes scrapper in that if it can;t hurt her it probably won't hurt me but it has the downside of anything that tears through me will probably tear through her even more quickly. Certain enemies will not be fun with these two, but many will be just fine.

Dark Melee is a strong secondary with many good attacks including Siphon Life, a wonderful attack that is also a self-heal and one of the set-defining powers. Having similar attacks to my intended partner may turn out to be a weakness in some cases but having two dark attackers means that targets will have a negative to-hit modifier coming in from both of us which should stack, making our defenses even stronger.

Travel power is super speed to ensure he can keep up with Lorena as that is hers. He may end up with some Fly as well (in keeping with the theme) and probably Fighting or Leadership.

For the look I wanted pale skin with a dark uniform. Lorena's costumes tend to emphasize the blood red color so I went for more black with blood red as an accent. I wanted more subtle transitions than in many of my designs so I used the blend option. Boots and gloves were spiked as was the belt and the shoulder pads to keep with a pointy fang-ish theme. I needed a good symbol for his shield and chest so I went with the chalice with a red interior, a sort of "blood chalice" ala the vampires from Warhammer and various recent Dracula movies. It's unusual and I think it works.

Overall I am happy with the look and they do look good together. The pair run on Justice server so keep an eye open for us there.

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