Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hero A Day - Draco Polaris

Polaris was the third of the Draco tanks and was a particularly interesting combination. I had seen some discussion that Fire Aura / Ice Melee was a strong tanking choice, but one of my first characters in COH was a Fire/Ice tank and I was not happy with it and eventually deleted it. Now though, knowing much more about the game, I could see the synergies and decided to give it another try - thus was born...


Fiery Aura is my favorite tanker primary mainly due to the mix of powers and the early availability of many good ones, and also due to the look.

Ice Melee is not a high-powered offense compared to some but it has some interesting properties. Most attacks in it have a slow effect (keeping the badguys close to you in your damage auras and off of your teammates) and also have a -recharge effect, slowing their attack rate and mitigating damage. It also has a cone, a PBAOE, and Ice Patch which is an area foe knockdown which again keeps foes in your damaging aoe's like Burn.

Synergies are that Ice Melee makes for a very sticky tank and Fire Aura ensures that the enemy is taking damage while they are stuck to you. It's not as offensive as a raging fiery embracing superstrength fire tank, but it is very good at the traditional tanker role of keeping the enemy busy and focused on you and it is fun to play.

Pool powers will be the now-essential for tankers Fighting, the thematically required Flight, and I'm not sure after that. Ancillary might be Arctic but I'm not there yet.

For the costume I started with the reptilian Monstrous look, veteran reward Demonic Wings, Valkyrie breastplate & belt, and the spiked pauldron shoulders. I went wit ha white primary scheme with light blue highlights for a solid icy look. I added the Omega combat aura to add an element of flaming ice to the look and I like it so far.

Draco Polaris is busy leveling up on Freedom server - team up if you get a chance.

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