Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hero A Day - Draco Ignis

Draco Ignis was the fourth and last (for now) of my draconian-themed fire tanks After creating Fire/Super Strength, Fire/Dark, and Fire/Ice tanks there was really only one combination left that I wanted to try and thus was born...


I've said a lot about Fire Aura before so I won't repeat myself. It's a versatile set of powers that unlike some tanker primaries will not cripple your offense, making a character that plays more like a comic book strong guy and less like a punching bag. The main weaknesses are psionics (like most defense sets) and knockback (fairly easy to fix with an IO or two or Acrobatics if you're going with the Leaping pool.

Fire Melee now, is perhaps the most offensive of the tanker primaries with a secondary effect not of damage mitigation or slow or some other side effect but a secondary effect of more damage. It's important to keep this in mind when playing, as without that secondary mitigation you're going to take more damage. Building up some toughness is very important.

Synergies - let's see, the most offensive primary paired with the most offensive secondary? The synergy is that you do a lot of damage, especially AOE damage. Fire Melee alone has 2 PBAOE's and a Cone attack combines with a damage aura and Burn to make for melted minions in short order. The single-target damage is strong as well. You just don't get a lot of other effects like knockdowns or slows or immobilizes or extra healing - but you get a lot of straight-up damage.

Pools are Flight, Fighting, and maybe Leadership to buff Defense since we get no secondary mitigation. Ancillary will have to wait and see.

For the look I wanted to change things up a bit from Nyx and Polaris so I started with the Monstrous head but went with the glowy bio organic wings from the mutant pack and the organic armor sets for most of the body. I then added one of the Cyborg chest plates to change things up a little - I wanted less of the traditional fantasy magic look and more sci-fi type elements and I got it. He may get a look more like the others as the costume slots open up but for now I like that he's different.

Draco Ignis is leveling up on the Justice server and would be happy to join any team looking for a tank that deals damage juts as well as he takes it.

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