Friday, March 12, 2010

OOC: The Hollows

For much of XPXP Weekend we spent our time in the Hollows. With a lot of people running around, there is always a mission team forming and the Wincott Run is a nice simple set of missions that ends with a nice XP bonus and some Merit rewards: bash 10 - Bash 10 - Hideout - Hideout. I probably ran this arc 10 times over the weekend with several different characters and I enjoyed it every time.

Once Wincott is handled then you can run Flux's arc, which is similar and ends with the first real big time mission - Frostfire. I ran Frostfire at least 6 times over the weekend and it's simply great with a team. Solo is not so much fun (though I have done it) but with a 6 or 8man team it it rocks like nothing else at the lower levels.

After this you get Julius the Troll's arc which is small and Talshak the mystic's arc which leads to the Transcendence trial which I have not yet run. Those are good arcs and I generally spend most of my characters life from about SL5-8 up to about SL20 in the Hollows. I occasionally make a side trip to King's Row for radio missions, a bank job and a temp travel power, but I don't consider them essential - the travel power just makes traversing The Hollows a lot easier prior to SL14.

So yes, I consider this one of the great zones in the game, the highlight of the sub-20 content.

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